From what I understand, weapon teams can now be targetted seperate to their units, meaning their prey to skinks/ Terradons (both drop rocks and...
Interesting, does this spell require line of sight? (hmm... really going off topic now...) Becalming cogitation requires you to discard every 6...
Most people won't do up a list for you, generally if you do up a basic list and post it saying, "I want to fight X army, please help," people will...
Yes Sir General Sir! *addresses lower ranks ALRIGHT LADIES! You heard the General, lets get rid of that stinkin gore (pun intended) and start...
I just saw it and thought it might be of interest... too bad Strewart's not a fan, I was thinking he might've been a potential leader... "General"...
*Emerges from the Gloom REPORTING IN General Sir! Sergeant Dreadgrass, of the 42nd Imperial Swordsmen Sir! OOC: will remove rank/ regimental...
Hey there and welcome, A few pointers about your list, Skink Priest, Level 2, Plaque of Tepok, Itxi Grubs: 140 Plaque and Grubs are both...
Hi all, Just sort of throwing the idea out to see what people think, theres been a couple of inter-forum WFO (aka Warhammer Fantasy via computer)...
Im afraid your only chance of this idea working is to appeal to your opponents common sense. Logically it makes complete sense that the palaquin...
Re: 500 points, and first two games. New player. Critque please. Ahh, no worries then, didn't know you were playing warbands. Thought it was a...
Yep, christmas in 30+ degree heat, gotta love being an Aussie! lol If you don't mind me asking, where are you based Strewart? Im near Brisbane!
Not sure how fixed on the EotG you are, but if your willing to drop it you could get a 2nd unit of Cold One Cav.(I generally go with no command if...
Re: 500 points, and first two games. New player. Critque please. Hi and welcome! Just a couple of points you may not be aware of, you have to...
Hey, and a big congrats from all of us here Im sure! Now with the whole "Edjamacashun" thing sorted you'll have time for the important stuff......
The only DoW units my local group allows are the Ogre Kingdoms units, as they're in a current print army book.
I'd second that, points are the problem... maybe drop the plaque of Tepok? or else you could drop the muso and the Scar Vets shield, putting him...
Hi and welcome! First of all, congratulations on creating what is a very viable list, despite it being your first! A few changes I'd personally...
The only thing I'd like to add to slannofitza's answer is that even if you fail to dispel, the dice are used for that phase, so whether the dispel...
Good point actually, handy against Elf Infantry and the like, where the Strength is useless (averaging T3 and a 5+ save), so, if I drop 1...