Okay, a few suggestions... Saurus Oldblood -mounted on a carnosaur -equipped with The Blade of Realities and Carnosaur Pendant I'd probably...
Hi again folks, done a bit of tinkering with the original list and have a slightly altered one for your perusal, let me know what you think of...
Hi, List looks good all round, my only point would be that your facing a very magic heavy VC list, so I'd be tempted to grab maybe another scroll...
lol How about making the Slann use Lore of Beasts so you can cast Bears Anger on the Coldone Hide Scar Vet? go go T7 and 7 strength 7 attacks!...
Hi, A few changes I'd personally do to the list: 1) Id probably drop the enchanted Shield on the Scar Vet and just get a normal shield, you...
As said, its my personal opinion, Empire can have some very nasty lists, Steamtanks anyone? even the priests/ altar list is very tough comparing...
okay, rankings as I see them at the moment (Skaven based on what I am certain is in the new book) Tier 1:Daemons, Skaven, Vampire Counts, Dark...
Hey again all, the edited list is up, the Carnosaur Pendant is gone in favour of the Enchanted Shield, and that leaves enough points for Firefly...
Thanks for the Imput! @dirtydan - Unfortunately Im pushing the boundaries of bad comp with my slann and 1 bound, any more magic and I'll take a...
Love the saurus heavy theme! Teach the enemy to fear the Old Ones TRUE warriors! Id advise against taking out 1 saurus from a unit, as it pretty...
I like both lists, with your changes.... something you made me think of with the modified first list.... You could drop the venom, Javelins,...
thanks for the imput! The list originally had the 2 stegs as normal ones instead of ancients, only 1 unit of Terradons and 2 salamanders...
I take it your 2 Scar Vets will probably normally run with the Coldone units? Another idea could be to run them in the Saurus units (drop the...
Heya Folks! To reiterate my previous warnings, I play in a very comp. heavy environment and am tinkering with a few lists that have a slann as...
hmm.... I love the list, but I like the changes you put forward yourself as well... if your after some points maybe consider dropping the unit...
Cheers for setting me straight on that one folks! I think I'll keep the items as is on him for now unless someone has an inspired suggestion as...
Had a mate who used to wash his dice after every game, he tended to roll pretty even, not overly lucky or terribly unlucky...
Im backing the Slann here, mainly because he's so multi purpose, he's my sole magic user and I need someone with some punch, he covers my...
@AlexisC I believe that, since the unit is lead by a character that is immune to fear/ Terror the unit will be also, in the same way as a coldone...
yes, quite a few years back, when our dollar was about half the USD GW decided to have a big price hike, blaming our economic position, it was...