So Im thinking of taking this list to a local tournament in November, but Im a bit concerned about the lack of mobility in my combat units, the...
I really like your new list, as I say I normally take Terradons over Chameleon Skinks but they seem to work for you so good work! The only...
The carnosaur pendant I believe states you don't loose the frenzy when beaten in combat (which is how it is normally lost)
Sorry, was in a bit of a hurry when I posted the list, the 2 Great weapon Vets are there as can openers, I'll throw the non- Jag charm one into...
This has been discussed before I believe, but to reiterate I believe we've established that the slann rule states he can draw LoS as a large...
Okay, the local tourney scene doesnt allow more than 7 Power dice worth of magic without a massive comp hit and they say Focused Rumination counts...
Just spinballing ideas but what about throwing the Totem of Prophecy on your TG unit? then making a US 20 Terror causer in the middle of your...
I played Mordheim Lizzies for a while, was hilarious against my mates combat dwarf warband, my skinks walked as fast as his dwarves ran! Thinking...
Heya and welcome! For someone new to the game you've made a good list! about the only real change I could suggest is to keep your Skinks with...
One thing Id definately include is a scar vet canopener or 2 (scar vet w/ Great Weapon, L. armour) they're great against armour (Chaos Warriors/...
Since your placing this in the armylists section Im presuming thats the main thing your after, could you post a basic list, and maybe let us know...
Go nuts KroxigorFTW! the sole reason I posted builds was because Id found they worked for me so I thought Id share.
Okay, on further pondering, if your looking at running a 2000pt list, you need another core choice, Id suggest at least 1 more unit of Skink...
I like sword of striking if your going fairly maic heavy, then throw the 1st heavens spell (re-roll 1's to hit and wound) on the unit and watch...
Hi all, I saw this toss up in someone elses post and started to really think about it, just wanted to get peoples opinions on what would be a...
On the topic of your Scar Vet, are you aware that the Maiming shield will most likely not stack with either sword? Sword of Battle is my...
Overall I like the list, its fairly unique compared to the number of Slann or Carnosaur lists you see around, and suggestions are more based on...
looks like you've got a solid start, can you tell us what you'd like to include? your at the point you can go pretty much anyway you like from...
Okay, tourneys done, and we didn't do too bad. In the end, we had a 5-1 win, a 6-0 win and a 1-5 loss. given that Im fairly new to Lizzies, and my...
Unfortunately I can't Illustrate this, but 4 saurus are 100mm wide (4 x 25mm) as are 5 Clanrats (5 x 20mm) so if the saurus are 6 models wide the...