Seems like it's been forever since I said I finished my basing. My gf lost her camara charger. It is a nice camara i got her for our vegas trip....
I'll check out that site. I'm not finding exactly what i want at petsmart or pet supplies plus. All the plants I bought feel very 2D when i cut...
Wow! Painting blog please. I have so many questions. I am most impressed with your basing and senery. Where do you get those stones they all stand...
@Morikun: I wnet out and got a ton of fish bowl stuff. I wish I had my gf's camara charger so I could show everyone. Soon. Tomorrow with any luck....
Not bad at all. I hope my kroxigor turn out that well. I don't know how you kept your base so clean. Or did you repaint it black. After I'm done...
@strewart: I sure do appreciate you not showing me up with the basing. But your orange color scheme blows my orange skink away. Orange is my...
@Lord Cedric: Boy I seem to see you in every thread. You get around these forums. Haha. On the picture, what is that bridge he is on!? Do you own...
I have both books. The war hammer book and the lizardmen book. I read the Lizardmen book back to front, but I've never even played a game. It's a...
I spent the last two days on my skink chief and I really like how he is turning out. He is the 11th model I've painted so far and the only thing...
Re: 20,000k list I love the colors. Not often do I see someone else painting their skinks orange.
I hear so much about finecast. What is it exactly? I know it's like the new resin or whatever. But is it worth waiting for? Are they all...
The last post in that thread was in '09. My hopes are lost. :( But his bases are so cool! Best I've seen for sure.
@Taipan That is a ton of useful information. I appreciate it. I was told temple gaurds have a ton of useful bits. So I plan on getting a box of...
Yeah, I'll end up using proxies the first time i play. My army wont be anywhere near done for a long long time. The only problem i have with...
Yes! That is what I'm looking for. Where did you get those plants? Are they just fake plants from walmart all cut up or are they like fish bowl...
Didymus bases are pretty nice and I'm about to start using his method. I've finished about 16 skinksn now. I'd really like to put them on some...
I'm intrested in this PM too.
I like the colors of my skinks. But my bases are seriously lacking....
I wasn't sure how the other colors fell into the lore. But come to think of it, I they have an orange on in the army book. I don't think they have...
@Maxus The only two things i modeled are the skinks and the suarus. The skinks are ALL old models so I'm not going to worry about what they are...