On the other hand, modeling Tetto'eko would be pretty fun. All you would need is a skink priest and something that had a small floating thing for...
Yeah, Tetto'eko costs wayyy too much to be in a 1500 point game. He's only 20 points less than a naked Slann...
Pretty good! I would just recommend you put a standard back in your saurus. You really want that +1 combat rez in your only big block of troops....
First off, welcome to Lizardmen! There are some recommendations that I have for this list. First off, I may be wrong but I don't think venom...
That's Lord Mazmundi. He's a special character and kind of expensive but what do you expect? He's a friggen slann on top of a stegadon!
Haha, I also appreciate the OLD OLD version of the Kroxigor. Those guys were tight back in my middle school days... (8 years ago...) The new...
Good luck in the tournament, I really like your back story. On a modeling note... How did you make those bases? Is that some sort of putty or...
Kroq-gar is pretty cool fluff wise but he is essentially a Carnosaur-riding Oldblood which is hugely more expensive. Their stat line are almost...
Those look amazing! How long did it take you to finish the bases? I really like your model with the skull helmet. Is that a bloodbowl model or...
Yeah, the Skrox units seem like they would work great on things like goblins, skeletons and skaven especially charging them in the flank. They...
Well, how do you guys feel about the Totem of Prophecy in the temple guard unit with the Slann? If it casts something like shades of death on...
Hey, this is a little unrelated, but how does "feigned flight" work? I don't have the rulebook so any help would be great!
Really, Oxoytl is really that good? I mean, I've never used him but he just seems a little expensive.
If you want a Slann, they are powerful enough as it is. I would say a 670ish point Slann and a unit of temple guard is probably better than 620...
Yeah, cavalry forces aren't so good for turtling up. They're tough, but 10 dudes on horses at the end of the day are just 10 wounds. 2x Uranon's...
Haha, that's a TON of magic! I just had a question about the disciplines. Whenever I put two slann into my army builder program it won't let me...
If the Carnosaur isn't a large target then could it be placed into a unit of CoR and not be picked out by shooting?
Thanks for the feedback. Yeah, 2 units of terradons might be a bit much even though I really like the models. Maybe I'll take out one unit, make...
Yeah... I do have 4 special units (CoR, 2x Terradons and TG) which might be excessive... It's just those are all the cool units you know? How do...
Haha, I love the EotG with the War Drums. I always imagined it just marching around in between the "blocks" of the enemy line while firing off...