See that's what i get for allways runnig single sallie units :oops:
You do know that all the shooting of a unit is done at the same time right? So you would first throw 3 tmplates, see how many hits are scored and...
The "only" part reads to me like it is just that, a mount, and nothing else.
Sadly for all things M6+, getting timewarped still means M10 and no more.
Its in the enchanted items section, but the FAQ changed it to a regular mount.
Why take the expencive shield and then give him a weapon that prevents him from using it in close combat, is the magic protection all you're going...
Sounds about right, altho life and light are sort of in a neverending contest for lizardmen attention, life is deffencive by increasing...
Or a cold one, or a horned one.
I think you guys have it wrong it's not good and evil, its order and destruction. With that reclasiffication it makes perfect sense that...
Yes he can and with the new FAQ noone can complain about our slaan getting LD 10 and still using their pressence on other units. It was...
Generally i'm against spears on saurus as i preffer to save the points for more bodies, they are already expansive and capable enough as they are.
I believe they had no slaan.
Dinosaurs... nuff said.
An option for regular slaan to buy stegadon mounts. I just hate named characters.
I'm allways up for that. On a side note, what's with all the FAQ-es recently? Has GW finally started to try and make it's game sistems go smoothly?
Sadly you have waaay to many points in heroes, currently 730 which is way more than 25%. To fix this i suggest dropping one of the heroes and...
Warseer, Dakka and several other sites, as well as the fact most tournament do it this way.
Wut!? Loremaster falls in the has no choice of what spells the model has categorie, so it allows duplicates same as bought spells.
Again i say they can be hit and wounded separately, but they are never stated to be separate models. In fact the rulse on page 105 even contradict...