I did correct you the spell explicitly states it couses one test per model not per hit, the monster and rider(s) are one model as per the rules...
This is a common misconseption, the ability to attack them separately does not magically split them into multiple models, there is still only one...
No i'm not suggesting that, but neither magic nor poison are usually enough to take an HPA down, acombo of both works best. Also poison still...
No they don't theyre unique as per the rulebook bestiary. Did you test on the crew initiative because page 10 is clear on the fact that models...
Yea sorry bout that i still only have the small one.
This is just... great. It's awesome when an experienced person takes time to help the new blood get a hang of things.
I take 11 to hide my priest(s) in the unit, or if i'm not using that tactic a unit of 10.
There is no difference in how you multiply between CC and shooting. It works as follows: 1. Determine how many hits there are either by rolling or...
Or if you feel like getting another terradon chief you can add the shield of the mirrored pool to the unit too, which leaves only direct damage...
They can still work, it's just harder.
The spell does not effect the crew they are just wound counters, and the machine is stuck there due to it's rules preventing it to pass streinght...
That is how it works, same for any other action you can take multiple times, if you charge you test and if you flee later you test again even if...
Did you even look at the rule? Because the empire isn't even mentioned there. And no FAQ (rulebook or lizardmen) does nothing to contradict this...
Pha's protection and Lightspeed work just fine here as they aren't cast on the lions but on your unit they're fighting, all of a sudden the lions...
To lessen white lion damage use Pha's Protection and Iceshard Blizzard to make them hit a lot less, also getting to initiative 10 takes away their...
Wizards and magic armour dont mix unless they get to use common armour, check "Magical Interference" on page 172 of the rulebook.
And both can be mass cast, talk about fighting in the light ;)
Well techincally speaking not even magic missiles are marked as ranged attacks they're called sorcerous projectiles, so a TFG can argue that too,...
The answer is in the FAQ, and sadly it's a "no".