I saw a razordon painted in orange and yellow that was being used as a salie and looked awesome. You can do that if you like.
Re: Farsights army painting It may take some photoshop skills, but if you google some jungle leave pic that you like, you can make a template to...
Yes like a fire thrower, but it isn't move or fire. In fact sallies are skirmishers so can fire on the march too. Yes. Yes. Nope, Spout Flames...
I can only think of three options. 1: Take 6 sallamanders :meh: 2: Try to becalm Teclis, it's not a spell so the banner dosen't protect him. 3:...
It gets you that extra bit movement for the long charges, you still get a 4+ Look out sir if you're near the CoC unit or better yet you bunker up...
Try and fit in becalming if you can, preventing one enemy wizzard from getting IF and oftern meeting the casting value is very usefull. Other than...
If the enemy has frenzy it works great, if they don't then you still get the charge, very important if you're running stegadons.
Magic missiles yes, direct damage not so much.
Yup you can pretty much stand half an inch longer than the enemy movement value and still get stand and shoot, works great as against things...
Actually for Teclis sinping nothing beats the blood statuette of spite, works moderately well on T3 casters too.
Is your ethereal slaan failing to CR? Well despair no longer from today on this edittion only we have a special offer to solve this problem. Wait...
OMG someone is not following the established list building technicues!!!! Let's linch him :rage:
Yea because getting behind another expencive unit seemed to me like a way to make that cannonball even more destructive. Edit: Also large targets...
Wait what!? where is that in the rules?
Also additional hand weapons are for models on foot only it's in the rulebook.
Besides this is explained very clearly in the lizardmen army book on page 41, it even has pictures.
Beclaming is the only Teclis/BoH deffence in the game, and the best magic deffence too, especially since none of the uber spells has a range...
He only gains the berserker rage but no extra attack. Oddly enough its stuck in the rules for cavalary (page 82) but the ridden monster rules do...
That they do. May i suggest this guy: Oldblood Armour of Destiny Dawnstone Carnosaur Pendant Halberd Carnosaur For 10 points more than you'r...
Rod of the storm is an arcane item so only wizards can use it. Have you considered a skink chief on a terradon, with armour of destiny he should...