there was exactly 1 slot left, Now I can officially say im not the ONLY lizardmen player! :D
Well! It appears I have forgotten about this...update coming shortly...aww what the heck Tekti awoke from his deep slumber, his red skin... This skaven forum where I am known as UnderTheEarth, its called the underdark, and my lizardmen are...
what lizzie stuff did ya win?
Sick dude! I myself am making an army entirely dedicated to the serpent god (although there are still saurus) Have you considered joining any...
There are tooo many snazzy gears to get rid of in a 6 turn game....
Run for your life....Archaon the everchosen is almost impossible for us to kill....Our only shot when he's in a unit would be to suicide charge a...
Sorry, I was thinking they were like my brothers wyverin :D But we DO always have a carnosaurs that does d3 wounds and has str 7..... but the...
True, but we can slap that dragon in the face with the blade of realities and watch it fall over instantly....poor low LD saps.... and skinks...
Just hope it doesn't ALL come true.... Verminlords are scary.... But then again...SKINKS WITH BLOWPIPES FTW!!!!
I still can't believe people call us overpowered, my friend wiped the floor with me with warplightning from 2 people, and a ratling gun....and as...
True, but I find that units of COR get the charge more often (higher movement) they can dish out more damage per frontage than a saurus unit w... Full credit goes to the man who created this site, and although it no...
well I play againt a brother with a wyverin, so yeh, theyre nasty, sooooo heres a tactic I came up with! this takes 2-4 units of skinks, mostly...
Um....If the unit panics, do they die just like fanatics? And....I think Im going to go buy some sallies
Awesome! For future non-cheesy lists, generall you should only have 1 EOTG's.... also, I recommend only 16 TG, as they are just pro anyways And...
Ok, well my friend is going to be getting dark elves soon, so i really need to know how to deal with them and pesky assassins.... I already know...
Cool, I pretty much read all of em..... And ive wrote a few too!
Re: Cold One Cavalry Tactica (Updated 8/6/09) In the games I've played. They've NEVER failed stupidity :meh:
Awesome battle report!!!!!!