Character-Nakai the wanderer-I always wished this guy was going to become a special character when we went into 7th....but alas he was dropped...
Ive had 5 cold-ones and a scar vet cut through 8 skeleton horseman, a liche priest, 16 skeleton warriors and a decked out tomb prince, the killing...
dude, not cool... chaos warriors get super amped up compared to regularly pathetic humans, why would a skink not be able to?
te-qui the Chameleon Skink lord choice points-300 m ws bs str T W I A ld 6 5 6 5 4 3 10 4 8 equipement blowpipe of aeons ,...
so awesome! cant wait to see if you do a follow up! this is the site of strategies (old edition though) for our beautiful...
I think terradons are, they can take out war machines easily, they fly around harrying the enemy, and they cant eat their handlers
O for the love of sotek please make the javelin skinks blowpipers, I find the range and multiple shots soooo much better....but thats my opinion...
Tehe-Zili awoke from his contemplations, something he did often, even though he was not a slaan. The skink priest stepped onto the roof of the...
no temple guard? this is an outrage! they are only our greatest bodyguards ever, against the undead, there even better as they'll actually be able...
I have 2, and both of them are amazing....I have always been obsessed with stealth and long-range hit and runs, so one of them is skinks- they are...
my, the oldblood is a beast! 27, the map of lustria depicts of a floating pyramid south of pahuax, what is it? Where did it come from? has there been any fluff on...
general- skink chief-ench shield-dagger of sotek- venom of the firefly frog- blowpipe- light armour- 115 pts BSB- skink chief with shield, lght...
hmmmm, lets see then general- skink chief-ench shield-dagger of sotek- venom of the firefly frog- blowpipe- light armour- 115 pts BSB- skink...
ummmm why can't he take wardsaves vs magic weapons?
The point is to overwhelm enemies with sheer weight of numbers and high speed manouevers-but do you think an EOTG is in order? or perhaps cold...
well, the other skink list I thought of would have cost way too much because of metal models so without further ado, here you go, comments are...
your allowed 3 hero choices anywhere up to 2000 points when you can get 4 characters....I considered doing a 2000 point list of skinks myself, but...
-1 to hit barotok! -1! we dont want the new guy thinking the more shots he makes the more accurate they are! but ya, skink blowpipes are like...