well, seing as the old thread was resurrected, and armies have gained things and lost them, I thought I'd start one for 7th edition. So, what...
"WAAAAAGH!!!!" the savage orcs were climbing atop a ruined temple in the middle of the jungle, a large number of skinks firing down onto them as...
Ah, but the point is not to attack characters with it, the sheer ration of attacks is for crushing rank and file, which are ussually T3, and...
Personally, I would use my own combo- which is kinda like bor only different.... Oldblood-cold one enchanted shield glyph necklace Scimitar of...
may the old ones guide you to victory! (or lord kroak!)
third list is my personal choice out of these 3, but the vet should have a halberd, as mounted GW are the same but strike last. also, try...
i recommend not using fire, as dragon princes are immune to it.
I hope you mean 1996, because if not, something is wrong.... overall looks nice, though i recommend a total of 16 tg's
why not recommend metal! High elves have chariots, war machines, and they have really high armour save knights to fry! Also, has anyone...
And for SOTEK!!!!!!!!!!!! Had to say that, as I have over 40 skinks in my army :rage:
o ya, and im sorry if im not getting it, but why is everybody screaming that stew is a champion?
naw, my saurus just flee. Another question is, How are spawning pools created? and is it possible that mage priest can create them?
thanks! The first one is that they are in some of the final stages (but for temple cities this is still like 1-400 years.... but if you see in the...
ok, heres da list scarvet-cold one, shield of mirrored pool, lght armr, burning blade EOTG priest, level 2 w diadem and dispell scroll 10TG...
It was a 1500 point game, I will post my entire list here if you wish but I had an EOTG, lvl 2 skink priest on top, and a dispell scroll +diadem...
I think the problem was he just had so many units, I couldnt get my skinks around them. Plus, the ratling did its job because when I went towards...
Thats the problem, even the EOTG couldn't help much, and we played with NO terrain (as we havent bought any yet) also, ratling guns sadly dont...
well, first off, he isnt that cheesy, he builds mostly a horde list, and I did screen. I have no flyers, as i would have to order them....only the...
How do we lizardmen effectively deal with 2 warlocks and a ratling gun that kill over 3 times their points in a single game? to them I lost 15...
well...the scar vet should get light armour imo, and maybe the other skink priest (without diadem) should be upgraded to lvl 2 for more hitting...