Play to your opponents weaknesses, not his strengths. In this i mean the following-- -If he has small units of slow moving but hard assesd...
Look at some of the other 2250 lists posted for their choices and some of my other pieces of advice. Then copy them. Army is fruity.
A third of your army suffers from stupidity. This basically means that a third of your army is stupid. Unwise.
Don't take anything. Waste of points. 25 points is 2 saurus with spears, a third of a razordon or three skinks. Blood Statuette is mabye kinda...
Don't. They crumble. They'e expensive. They're poo.
Re: Cold One Cavalry Tactica (Updated 8/3/09) Here's a bit of "tactica". Don't take Saurus cavalry. They're crap. They cost too many points and...
I advise looking at some of my other posts, viewable via some of the 2250 points list posts. I don't need nor feel like writing it all out again....
Theres enough lizardmen units to make a full army. Don't get any dogs of war units. Why? Because the ones that are actually better than lizardmen...
Re: Revenge of the Nuka-Toad -- drop soul of stone -- drop power stones -- drop dispel scroll -- give skink priest plaque of tepoc -- drop diadem...
Its good. Really very good. Heres how I change it though. Make the Saurus Warriors 18 strong. Rank them 6x3. and GIVE THEM SPEARS, they totally...
A word of advice. Illegal content removed. /strewart
He're how i'd roll Your list---> Slann Cupped hands of the old ones Focused Rumination Becalming Cognition --> DROP Focus of Mystery Soul of...
CUPPED HANDS OF THE OLD ONES! the re-roll magic table thingy is ok, but its 50 points that could be better used. Get the focussed rumination and...
I believe you may have mis-directed a few points. Firstly, you NEED to take cupped hands of the old ones. Do you have any idea how cool it is...
Ive just got a few suggestions, if I may. -A skink priest on foot without a cloak of feathers is a waste. Imo more than one Skink Priest (on an...