I agree with Arsenal. Terradons are incredibly useful in low point games (check out my battle report on how well they did at 1500 pts). Other than...
With your list, I would advocate for a lone Slann even more. Since you lack any staying power, you Temple Guard can be easily surrounded and...
You cannot put a Slann in a 1000 pt list. No Lords are allowed. Against Wood Elves I would say you need distracters and lots of smaller units. The...
I have to disagree with both your points. Temple Guard, while resilient cannot stand up to ASF Black Guard, Chosen, etc. There 2+ in close combat...
The only requirements for a Look Out, Sir roll are: 1. The character must be in a unit with five or more regular rank and file troopers and, 2....
Do you have a sample list that you have trouble with? That will make it easier to focus on things you have trouble dealing with.
Actually, with their Movement of 6 and Strength 6, they are quite different from Saurus. They are very maneuverable flankers and can deliver quite...
Hexec tasted the air, surveying the battlefield. His tongue flickered back into his mouth, and he recognized the scent, it was the vile Beastmen!...
I am not lacking in intelligence on this subject or too prideful to admit your tactic will work. I have already said your strategy is good, I just...
Your strategy relies on too many things to be 100% effective. It is a good strategy, but many things can through a huge wrench in the plans. What...
For one, you have to randomise against the crew first so you may kill one crewman per turn. If he does not make his armour save. I do not think...
Poison does not work on the warmachine, so it does not work thus on the crew also I believe. That means you have to roll to would for both. And...
Well, since you randomize on the crew and they are wearing light armour, it may be tougher than you think killing the warmachines. It is a 6+ to...
The above tactic would work assuming he does not concentrate his fire, but spreads it evenly and assuming that he has not castled around a hill...
Good battle report! One word of advice. Charm on the Jaguar Warrior on the Scar-vet would make it easier to not waste a spell on him. That and the...
FSoD is the Flying Skink of Doom. A Skink Chief with a Terradon or Cloak of Feathers and weapons to power him up. JSoD is the Jaguar Saurus of...
Temple Guard are not really that good of an unit for their point cost. They can not reliably break any other elite units and usually die just as...
That would be great advice if you wanted a punch in the stomach and a stolen army case. Seriously though, that list is a point and click list....
Well for one, the amount of shooting and anti magic he has takes out a lot of the options you have. I would ask him to take less of a gunline....
Can you give an example of his list? That could help us, decide the best choice. Gunlines can be hard to face, but Lizardmen have some great...