Then there is always Lore of Shadows 6th spell.. strength 8 saurus can get through armor well enough! Requires a Shadow Slann of course.
Sounds like something that would be great for a laugh! The fluff of the spell talks about the enemy throwing themselves on the affected unit's...
I don't know, seems like they wouldn't be very effective unless you could maneuver them around to flank and rear charge position, and even then as...
Just remember a 6 is always a hit.
Aren't skaven warpstone machines magical attacks?
#1 - You probably ought to just wait till you get the models, since they will come with bases for you to measure. Skinks are on 20mm, saurus...
T4, 3 wounds, 4+ armor. They aren't all that tough but they do pack a wallop with 3 str 6 attacks. If you include them in a unit of skinks, they...
D6 is more hits than a cannon would score against a unit of skirmishers standing out in the open. So if anything, being in a building makes you...
You are mistaken. Pg. 89 first sentence.
Sounds downright suicidal! You will be constantly NEEDING to get off extra toughness, regen, and/or regrowth just to make sure the Slann's unit...
Venom of the firefly frog only works on non-magical weapons.
What a coincidence! I too am going to Alamo GT and taking Lizardmen with Lore of Death. I'm just going to ignore the Purple Sun spell...
They will be extremely fragile with a 4+ armor save and a toughness of a whopping 3. The one saving grace is their initiative of 6 will let them...
The main problem is how incredibly vulnerable the character on top of the EotG is to missile fire. The way cannons work now, your character will...
I think you roll all your spells at once. But I agree that the signature spell is pretty good!
There really isn't much reason for a skink horde, because you don't gain much from it. The reason to go for a horde formation is to gain an extra...