Razordons need a couple fixes... firstly they need either strength 5 or armor piercing. Also the misfire rules need to be modified somewhat....
Can only have 3 of the same special choice in games under 3000. 3 units of 10 chameleons would work.
The BSB is not really optional. It is probably the single most important/powerful thing in 8th edition, being able to reroll all failed...
Page 82 talks about split profiles, and which parts you combine and whatnot. It specifies that the rider and mount use their own profiles for WS,...
There's a bit in the magic section about how targeting restrictions can be waived by specific spells. I think in this case the comet spell, which...
My last post didn't address your post right above it, sorry was in a hurry. I think you might gain some ground referencing a spell like "The...
First, it doesn't not apply to this situation because it is a type of attack spell. You are making a huge assumption that the question in the FAQ...
Nope, the 4th rank is the 4th rank. Alas, the skinks behind the krox wouldn't get to fight.
The reason the rules point to specific ways they don't behave as a single model, is because it is delineating EXCEPTIONS. The blanket "single...
Ah you're right, I was thinking about it as an initiative test, but it's really a modified "to wound" roll. So WM would get to use the crew's...
Yeah, it's a shame about Blade of Realities in this edition. If you could squeeze in a cheaper Slann with Death magic you could snipe the BSB to...
Spells that target "a single model" are a bit different from spells that target "a friendly character." GW's definition of "character" now...
I bow to your leetness and skillz! No offense meant of course, I think we all proudly wear the nerd badge here.
Meh, this comes from people listening to Podhammer. Switch on over to Heelanhammer and/or Baddice, they actually talk about warhammer.
I'm thinking those things will be the ultimate war machine killers, including the steam tank. Auto-hit, auto-wound, no armor. Maybe they'll...
The troop type is indeed monster, but as you quoted from the book it follows the rules for BOTH characters and monster models. It does not change...
First one to snipe the Slann wins! Take death magic perhaps?
Maybe a minor correction in this case, but it might matter in other situations... mindrazor boosts strength to the LD value of the model, but that...
We're veering a little off topic when talking about what counts as separate models. The spell description makes no mention of the word "model"....
Wow. I guess I can breathe a sigh of relief, someone is more nerdy than I! I can just download the thing and post some analysis on what I get...