This is pretty much my line of reasoning.. we're trying to guess at what the intent was for the spell. I'm the last person to try to wheedle an...
I'm kicking around the idea of running some numbers through the old damage calculator, and I think I'm going to do a run-down of all of the buffs...
You probably want to check out this thread, it is actually still going if you want to toss some ideas in there too....
That's what I was thinking, thanks.
Which lore on the Slann? You could flesh out one of your 16 skink units into a nice skink/kroxigor unit, maybe 24/3krox. It would give you a...
It says scatter it D6 inches.. if you roll a "hit" on the scatter does it not move at all? When scattering purple sun it says to use the little...
It simply says it moves "a character". The old Steed of Shadows spell specifically stipulated, "only single characters on foot". Could possibly...
I think everyone was pretty surprised by the awesome quantity of items available in the BRB. I think at that point they decided they were going...
I was thinking on that one that the unit would pretty much see it coming, so the question would be if they had enough strength to jump over the thing.
Ancient steg with chief, he can definitely fly. The Slann must always join a temple guard unit and stay there, so alas no flying the Slann around...
To go along with my previous suggestion... I've already alluded to the fact that the Saurus Soldiers are survivors of a hunt for the Ankylodon....
Yeah, it's laid out a bit weird. Page 99 under "unusual shooting attacks" should clear it up.
If you look at the section in the back, where it has a chart of every model's "troop type", the slann is listed as infantry. Therefore, being in...
Heh, my profile pic is quezecoatl! Would definitely love to see a coatl come into play, you could always give it some kind of very unique magical...
Oh, well steed of shadows is more of a positioning spell. You can't actually charge using the spell, but you can get the scar-vets into some...
Alright, got a bit more well developed idea now. The fluff readers amongst us will know the way saurus work, the more experienced Saurus warriors...
Another huge reason to take the Slann is that he can be your BSB, and he has the highest leadership in the army. Add to that the fact that he...
Yup, +2 attacks from the TG. I have never had anyone bring this up in a game, and I won't be the one to let them in on the secret!
It would make the Slann static, so you'd want to choose a lore with lots of long range/damage spells. Also if the rest of the army were going to...
Right, the +1 to hit large targets is gone. Also, large targets cannot claim soft cover for standing behind fences and such. It is really not a...