Well, the rules say something along the lines of "any model fighting in combat". So in 8th edition the Slann is "in combat" and can technically...
The battalion is a good start, though the saurus cavalry aren't as useful in 8th edition. If you wanted to work with just the battalion box you...
Yeah, the Slann miscast thing is worrisome, BUT using shadows I will primarily be casting the first 4 spells. This means 2-3 dice per cast on...
Cool idea Shivan Angel, although those are quite similar to temple guard. What about something like... Obsinite Guard WS4 Str4 T4 A1 I1 5+...
The cold ones have fallen out of favor compared to the stegadons, I would take an ancient stegadon for the strength 6 and the double blowpipes....
Welcome to the race more ancient and ill-tempered than dwarves! That was my first army too. Lizardmen have a good deal more variety than...
As others have said, he really only has 1 legal caster, the vamp lord. If you take Becalming cogitation on your Slann you will give him fits when...
You could run them with a scar-vet with the crown of command and the +1 leadership banner.. so you'd have a stubborn flanker unit that could grind...
Wow, that's actually a decent way to motivate, in game penalties for incomplete models. What sorts of penalties out of curiosity? Do they cost...
Not absurd at all compared to the 120 point cheaper steam tank, which has more wounds and toughness. I think the weapon skill and attacks are a...
I think you misread, that was for a new type of MOUNT, not the skink lord itself. It would still be pretty easy to take out with a warmachine of...
Let me know what you think, the only concern I have is maybe squeezing points for another saurus block. I do like the unit count on this one...
Skink lord needs to have a new kind of mount, basically an extremely fast lizard of some sort, with a movement of 10. Only the skink lord would...
I say the second list. The chameleon skinks are extremely useful, I would suggest converting up some of your existing skinks to that purpose,...
Good stuff! If I ever play someone who is enough of a rules lawyer to try to challenge out my Slann, I will calmly show him that part of the army...
I see no reason why not, the banner makes no exceptions for magic weapons. I assume it would be the same for armor piercing banners.
Best use I can think of... some armies have really cheap heroes who are pretty much disposable anyway. Put this weapon on the cheap hero and try...
Chameleon skinks are essential in this edition, because of the changes made to warmachines and especially the changes to the scouting rule. The...
1/18 skink shots would cause an unsaved wound from poison.. so from a unit of 10 skinks they'd get one wound through a turn on average... a little...
I guess if you want to get down to basics, deployment is basically knowing yourself, and knowing your enemy. The first step in this process is to...