i can't find the US of the carnosaur in the book anywhere could someone help it is on the same base as kroxigar so does it have the same US
i would use the steggies to shoot manticores and sallies to shoot hydras (at least i would try) also slann with lore of fire for hydras will help...
dual engine's might be a good counter to a greater daemon 2 d6 no AS is a heck of a start and if you stagger them then he can only charge one and...
i would be worried about heavy magic armies with this list or even shooty armies for that matter you will get shredded to pieces against any high...
i used to hate skinks but after my first 5 or 6 games i realized that they did a considerable portion of my kills in any given game once i started...
if you get the re-roll spell from lore of heavens the cube is a pretty good investment the only item i can think of off the top of my head that...
you could always jump him out of a unit as well and just out of curisoity could you no do the same with chief and cloak of feathers sword of might...
CylonDorado actually the emperor did not find all of the primarch's there is still at least one undiscovered (there was 2 before we fiound out...
not positive but i think the GUO is immune to poison and lets not forget pit of shades on greater daemons
i've had luck with an oldbloood in a unit of saurus or cold one unit his extra attacks can often make cold one units really scary as hammer units...
how many points are you trying for cause you got like 10 characters there which would lead me to think 10k in which case you need alot more troops...
i thought a 6 always wounds but if not mabye a scraplauncher vs. a greater deamon
i would almost put him on a CO with a unit that would give him a 0+ armour save and not quite as juicy a target for cannons plus look out sir rule...
i would also consider a couple of steggies with bows for the hydras they tend to do well d3 wounds help with big nasty's even better if a skink...
because you can't give him an arcane item since he's not a spellcaster
just thinking razors would probally be better vs wood elves than sallies the massive shots with no minus is a great bonus against skirmishers with...
sallies are awesome against HE str3 -3 armour save is just terrible for swordmasters and phoenix guard a steggie with a bow and skink chief sounds...
they do not lose their attack in either rank for those two armies sallies will work better -3 armour save is good on warriors of chaos and str 3...
why would he be picked out in the unit for shooting the slann and krox are not so why should he although look out sir is no longer feasiable for...
if your going magic heavy give your priest on the steggie the extra spell plaque and i would also drop the swarm i would mabye even drop the krox...