well for one saurus are a lot better than empire spearmen and 2nd unless they direct attacks at the characters they will survive the impact hits...
if you lose the 3 saurus on the unit the full command on the cold ones the burning blade on the priest and the skink chief goes away completely...
can a carnosaur join units now since it is no longer a monsterous creature was just thinking a carnosaur would be a better mount for a lord in a...
i don't dislike genres of music but rather artists i think music of any "type" can be good just depends on the artist, favorites of mine would be...
don't forget scar-vets on foot with great weapons are str 7 take 3 put them in units and they auto-kill any chariots that charge the units have a...
the chief on steggie it becomes a solid stubborn unit although a bit pricey 500+ for a unit with 2 krox i could spend the points better elsewhere...
mabye GW ups their own prices so they can sell more overall because of the stores and sites selling more product at cheaper prices and we think we...
if you go magic heavy he really can't stop everything but then your basically getting into a ranged battle which is not a good thing with a dwarf...
everything above and lose the swarm one swarm isn't going to do as much as one disipline will also don't forget flaming also nulls regen
i would take the 3rd unit of saurus out and give the other 2 units 6 more guys 3x6 for max hitting power and an extra rank, lose the skink/krox...
i would say bow as your skinks should be doing the mass shooting while the bow can hit the big hard stuff plus the points you save not to mention...
i'll keep an eye out but are you sure you don't put him on a palanquin just replacing the original model
as far as psyche goes don't forget the DoW lizzies they can obvisoually have agendas that are relatable to humans
it is the same as high elves asf rule with a character in the unit you get to choose even though the lord has a higher int he doesn't have to...
the gamers i've always played are rule book junkies so if it's not in the book then it's not illegal I guess I just kinda got used to playing that...
don't play mordheim but if they are similar to WFB lizzies then make some town center fountains and a bridge with a river going through town and...
you got to remember it's is hard to kill an army with just shooting just keep advancing as fast as possible your EotG save will help alot with the...
if you want ogres in your empire army put ogres in your army, they are dogs of war bulls, maneaters, iron guts, i can't think of any others right now
yeah i've "accidentally" lobbed a rock to far a few times
plus with white you usually need more coats of paint