do krox in skink units have to be in the second row or can you have them in the front row and just use the skinks to give them ranks was curious...
it is not a chariot it a monsterous creature so it can attack (one of the reasons it cost so much more) the impact hits are just a special rule...
I currently have about 25,000 points of mini's in various army's and was wondering what everyone else plays my armies are high elves wood elves...
that skink krox unit is going to be very weak low combat res and not much hitting power if your going to keep them i would use them as flankers...
what if the terries flank charge a unit that is engaged from the front with saurus skinks/whatever can they drop rocks then this seems to be along...
guy i used to play against would come at me with 6 or 7 units of skellies and he would have either all decked out caster vampires or 3 casting...
Re: 300 point club - New Members Added! this is so unfair I just saw this post and i just started painting 50 gnoblars = 100 points so not fair...
on that same thought say you were fighting an ogre bull unit and had 4 wounds which then became 8 how would that work out would you have to roll...
which green, gray and brown do you use?
sounds like it's time to invest in some new dice
i was wondering if anyone here knows some good tips for painting gnoblars fast i have like 50 of them and i'm dreading painting them i looked at...
lose 1or salamanders and make the skink/steggie an EoG he will help with shooting and attacking more than 1 or 2 sallies
if that priest on foot is just for defense give him the scroll and hide him because the EoG will draw a lot of fire but a hidden caddy will be...
great thought that is a great way to wreck frenzy
if he see's obsidian armor he's proably daed anyway
drop 5 temple guard and get some skinks skirmished they are still very useful and would help with a little additonal shooting also they can...
great game it sounds like you would have done even better if you had a little better luck what with the miscast canceling your spells and your...
no joke those are awesome
it is in the MAGIC PHASE, the entire phase is magical, hence MAGIC PHASE nothing else happens in the magic phase but magic, whether it's magical...
this means that they have the same to hit modifier at that unit all the time i think