our town and store are too small for gw events and for some reason most of the players in the area don't play at the store i talked a guy in the...
what all nes books will i need to start playing again (haven't played since 2nd ed) i know i need the main rule book and codex's but there is so...
where is a good place for 40k questions and such i've been using general hobbies
does anybody know any good sites to find new gamers my group lost a couple of guys recently and we were looking for new players any help would be...
Thanks for the help guys the skinks 1 inch away was a great tactic and my slann just rained death with lore of metal I took two steg's slann 2nd...
I would take the middle of the field (terrian allowing) with the saurus and steggie and let him take the flanks with all his calvary you can march...
do you and the HE both get your base dispel dice or do you share your base pool cause two extra dispel dice makes a big difference in the long run...
My saurus are red with black and white scales when painting them i forgot that they were my high school colors (very annoying) but as i was saying...
thanks was just wishful thinking i guess
you're going to need to have more saurus blocks to stand up to they're troops otherwise they will just march and run you over with they're...
i'm playing brets and can't think of a way to effectively beat them they are way overpowered 2+ armour 4 or 5+ ward on units that attack 7 times...
i know why you can't enhance each other picture a vp army resurecting chaos warriors as for teaming up i would recomend dropping the razors and...
I was wondering if EoG's modifiers stack such as 1 EoG is -1, 2 EoG's is -2 and so on if any one knows please give me a heads up cause i was...
sounds fairly solid multiple casters might pose a problem but if they take them their giving up points for troops which you have in abundance so...
don't forget that he can be a awsome flanker and would have a US of 8 or so with impact hits and a decent weapon it is pretty scary I think he...
South Dakota USA
watch out for waywatchers as they will slaughter any of your scouting units if your opponent is really mean they will skirmish almost all of their...
Re: Daemon'sa fought them with HE i destroyed them i had a lord on a great eagle with a bolt thrower bow and 3 RBT a unit of 20 swordmasters a...
forgot about disc golf it's winter here so kinda hard to play
the krox become the hammer they move 6 in instead of 7 but are way better in combat res more skinks to replace the lost skirmishers maybe another...