Ok, so on the 21st of Feburary there's a team tournamet of 1250 per team mate at my local GW store. (Probably because they only have 3 tables,...
It looks pretty good. I would HEAVILY suggest taking an Engine. Those suckers are amazing at keeping your saurus protected from shooty armies like...
In my opinion it would be a big yes that he's able to block impact hits, since even if you read the fluff sometimes for rules he does that and...
I fought Warriors this past weekend and smashed them into the dirt leaving only half of a Chaos Warriors of Nurgle is a Herald alive. Terradons'...
Wow, what a well-designed combo list. Well done. Personally I'm a fan of the Scar-Veteran with Hide of the Cold Ones and a GW inside a spearmen block!
If it helps, I participated in four games this weekend, and the Engine was devastating. I destroyed Warriors of Chaos, High Elves, and Daemons...
Hooray Lizards! A Comet usually works, lol.
Whoa, how did you get an Engine before Freburary 7th?!
I think we'll be hearing about this in the first Lizardmen 7th edition FAQ.
HAHAHA!! Take that rat-boys!
Keep in mind Kroak can cast the spell multiple times, it can be cast at multiple levels (which only affects range), he's Unbreakable, -1 to hit,...
@Strewart I highly disagree, unless we're only talking about the regular stegadon in which case I think it's a waste of time to not take an...
You're Kepper of Secrets opponent is quite the Prince of Darkness for such a fib, lol.
What an amazing display! Adobe Illustrator, huh? You'll have to put a tutorial somewhere on the site so people that are bad with computers like me...
The nice thing is GW kinda realized their over-powered book so designed ALOT of Lizardmen features just to bash back our most ancient and hated foe.
I'll buy it, lol.
I wouldn't say that exactly. The thing with Mazdammundi is that he's not a bad caster, although he's not great easy, and Ruination of Cities I...
Uh, those skinks aren't THAT easy to kill. The Howdah on a regular Steggy gives all riders a 3+ armor save that can't be improved in any way, and...
Sounds killable to me. Let's see how he handle two giant blowpipes firing 4D6 poisoned attacks and still be standing, the talk to me, lol.
Looks like a list that'll be alot of fun to play! As for you Tzeentch... *Watches as Tzeentch is trampled by Mazdammundi* Much better!