Rumor says there is, and if they get Nakai in there (which they'd better so I'll be pissed) we may well hit ten.
A word of advice from a Lizardman player who knows how to make a High Elf list and beat one better then most High Elf players, your friend's list,...
Warhammer Online is a great game, too bad there's no Lizardmen. Anyways, welcome to the site!
Eh, I'm the kind of person that holds out till the fat lady sings. These are all rumors, things can easily change between now and two months. So...
I wish you could say more about your opponent's list because I have more experience with High Elves then any Lizardmen player should ever have,...
I personally would rather have an espensive but amazing Slann. We're supposed to be the rulers of the magic-casting world, so downgrading is a sad...
If that's his pic I doubt it, since that's just a Scar-Vet on a cold one painted differently with a spear attatchment. Though, I would like to see...
I'd still buy it....
Sounds interesting? A clarinet? Really, I didn't even know those were still around!
Absolutely amazing....
The pleasure's all mine *bows*
Hey! I also play Clarinet and study alot of classical music! Well, actually I prefer to play Bass Clarinet, but I guess our only real difference...
*Bows* Welcome
1. I'm not very familiar with the Chaos Spawn rules, but I bet there is a note about in his book. If not, more then likely it can, at least by my...
Aparach is correct, there are even ways to give a Old-blood a -1 save though it skips my memory how, but a roll of a one shall never succeed.
Not a big fan of the Slann updates. I hope those turn out false. I'd rather have an expensive spellcaster who can easily rape all but the Greater...