Very well done! The Daemons will be trampled beneath our feet....mwuhahahahaha!
They are, the Skink Skirmishers unit are 2 points more expensive and start with Blowpipes, or add another point to recieve javelins and shields.
Welcome to our home
Amen to that! lol
Well, if you want you can throw a Skink Chief on the Ancient Stegadon, giving him a 2+ armor save, which is nothing to sneeze at, plus 2D6+2 Str 6...
Welcome to the site
Yeah, that thing completely dwarfs the skink, so I'm also curious as to what size you're sitting at.
I think that list will provide a good balance, let us know how it goes.
Wait, you had the Hornet Blade AND the Dagger of Sotek? Sorry pal, can't have two magical weapons or even double-wield when you have a magic weapon.
It's a rather well done list, nothing wrong with it by any means. I'd suggest really thinking about taking a Scar-Veteran and either making him a...
I quite honestly disagree. I've seen plenty of single Lords on monsters completely annihilate units. I watched Star Dragons and Greaer Daemons of...
It's a neat conversaion, when finished that unit will look great on the field for sure.
The answer is yes, the Horned One can be afforded with the Blade of Realities, but I won't say how much it adds to, lol.
An excellent observation that reminded me. None, that;s right, NONE of the Lizardmen mounts take any kind of choice, only points. I've seen the...
If you really want the Slann at max power, add the Diadem of Power on to him.
I'm going to take this moment to point out the Slann's ability causes Terror, not Fear.
Very well done
welcome to the site
I appreciate that! Anyways, with all the 7th edition armies, some are rather different so I need to take some new research.
Huh! Guess that was an update from the 6th edition that I overlooked! Good to know though, thanks.