I glued on a pice of snakes from the Saurus cavalry boks to add a bit of difference to on of my swarms...
Well good luck and amen to that :) One thing though, to keep your armies more balanced, you should probably stick to the rules conserning min...
When I reed through my army book for the 2. time now, I discover a few oddities.. First of all: We no longer are able to hire Dogs of War. Not...
Actually, a priest only has one mount option: EoTG A chief however can be put on both a terry and normal steggi. But it's right, a priest would...
Well, can post you the stat, but they'r identical except from the lower cost so you can tell, They're absolutely improved :)
Yeah, I often deployed up to 5x10 skinks in a 2k match back in the 6th edition and harrazed my opponent! Though that isn't as easy as befor with...
Well, your right the language can get confusing from time to time, but I think it depends a lot from person 2 person and their english skills(age,...
Personally, I don't use any, but know that many people use 'ard coat.. They become quite glossy so you should test it in small amounts or on a...
Swarms cost 33% less then before. Do the math ;)
Welcome :)
Totaly agree!
I created some sort of saddle with green stuff and trimmed it with my model knif so it seems like leather. that would probably work in your case :)
Agreed with blackhawk on the Cloak, give him a scroll to see the most dangerous spell off when your in dire need of avoiding a comet of...
Yeah, but still they're the cheapet unit we got and I think units of 2 can hold most thing off our flanks. exept for some heavy hitters like...
You'll have to upload an avatar as your profile picture. Go to control panel and get goin. You've passsed 50 posts so you should be of rank: Saurus
Ah! Sorry, my bad! Didn't sum up correctly :P anyway, cool dino list. I would deffinetly like to see the face of my opponent when I fields 4...
I just summed up your pts out of curiosity, I only count 1950 pts. Correct me if I'm wrong, but if thats the case I would add a jungle swarm just...
Welcome to the site :)
You'll have to exuse us non-english-first-language people: Easy to get confused once in a while o_O