Welcome to the site :)
Hasn't had the time to comment as much as before myself either, and never played an ogre opponent either... I does sounds wise of though to go for...
Sweet! Always nice to blow up warriors! Can't wait to get my preordered ones :)
Nice to have you on board. Feel free to share your wisdom and dive in our pool of ideas, artistic showcases, tactical discusions and general...
Agreed lol :)
Great game! Nice use of terradons who probably saved you a ot of trouble. Just suprised you didn't get to do more damage with your razordons.....
I would have to agree. I can't think of a reason why they would spesificaly put down "...in the magical phase.." if they didn't mean it to be...
You got real skills man! Had a look at your sauruses also, and love em! Keep it up! just one thing about your steggi though if I may: You could...
I would deffinetly go with spears as they has become so much greater than before now that the predatory rule is gone...
lol, that IS a stupid lizard :D If it was a friendly game, it must have been great fun though.. at least for you opponent ;)
Well, I guess if two units both got such special rules, both weapons counts as mundane weapons. But I don't think the effect will cease to work...
Can't help you with your first question since I havn't got my book yet.. About the "Rule of Burning Iron" spell, it spesificaly says, this is a...
Yeah, that was one of the main reasons why I never fielded a Carno in 6th..(exept for once, but it got butched so I don't what to talk about it :P )
Well, good luck on you club! Feel free to share your experience and have yourself a good time. Welcome to our site :)
I got a friend who tried dipping and I think he got amazing results! Especially when you'r short on time. Me for instance, havn't had time to...
You know before the release, and when there was notting but rumors, I wished for lots of charachters, magical items and new units to make...
Yes you could of cours cast through your skink, didn't remember that new rule :P
Fair enough. But I still think he can prove to be worth his pts against some armies, especially skaven and DE assasins. The fact that Chakax...
Welcome on board! Let us hear how your battles goes :)
A great base, but not so sure about color scheme.. Anyway, nicely done :)