greetings! Njoy the site :)
Nice to have you on board! Welcome to the site :)
Welcome on board :)
Welcome :)
Nice comment hellbreaker ;) I would guess you could put a character on a stegi as a mount option. In that case, its good to go hence to the...
I was thinking, maybe a tutorila for how to upload picktures would help.. Maybe we could expand the subject in the faq, make it a bit more step by...
I also bougth the model becouse it yous looks spectaculare! Aloust never ust him though. My opponents are usually Deaomons and Warriors of Chaos,...
1. Lizardmen can have any scheme you like, the blue is only GW's own choise. 2. Hasn't the new book, but in 6th edition, I often used a scar vet...
Took the liberty of moving your post into a new topic since your question didn't have much to do with shields ;) For your question though, I...
This is turning into an interesting discussion :) Does anyone have access to a GW store to go and check with the staff? The more, the better. And...
Quotes: Where the #### is Australia anyway! Britney Spears I love Mickey Mouse more than any woman I've ever known Walt Disney Facts...
I agree with strewart: The best battlestandard I've seen in a long time, maybe even the best! I don't think I will use a battlestandard without...
Let's just hope that model was an unlucky one.. It should be possible to make a plastic miniature with just glue.
Yeah, it does seem a bit weird to me to have a large howda weapon stand and shoot, but then again rules are rules. Hope to see this problem solved...
Ah, a new spawning of lizardmen players! Welcome to the site :)
Thats looks like a battle standard to me.
The reason why saurus spears has gottn so much more atractive is that the predatory rule is gone and so both 1st and 2nd rank of sauruses get 2...
If that is the case, then the stegadon is truely a badass! I see your point with the warmachine rule, and it seems you're probably right. I would...
"A character that has a magic close combat weapon cannot use any other close combat weapons although it can carry a shield as normal." BRB pp 121
Thats nice! What kind of army did you meet? Dragon ogers and trolls or knights and warriors? And characters.. Any special characters?