Hasn't teamed up myself and will be carefull with any adwise since I hasn't been able to read the new book yet..(can't wait to the 7th!!) A few...
lol! they're lustrian storm troopers! Where did you find'em?
Sweet! Really like how thouse feathers on your skink came out, and as for your carno and oldblood I've said it before: Awsome! If I should pick at...
Yeah, I think this list got alot more diversity in fighting different opponent! Nice work!
Looks like a very good and balanced list. Think probably I would have made something similar :)
I agree with Gannon, if you whant a balanced list, you need more magic or at least anti magic...
I would interpret the rules as the stegadons equipment count as a warmachine when working out charge responses. Hasn't seen the new book yet, but...
Nice man, keep up the good stuff! Difficult to say after just one point of veiw, but If I could come with an ide you could maybe try to blend the...
That is every lizardmens army nightmare. So make sure that don't happens ;)
I Conserning magic, you can always hope to dispell, but yes: Chaos magic is dangerous. Second, skinks have no problem of taking out hounds and...
No,basically only one of each kind of magical equipment.
I'll gladly put in a few bucks to smash an ork to the ground with a kroxigor real time, so guess it's worth the time waiting :P
Definietly! Altough we're talking skink skirmishers here... their 360 degree line of sight can be priceless to take out enemy flankers or at least...
Re: 300 point club Talked with Craken and Stonehambey and as for rules, you havn't broken any so your ready to go :)
Guess I'm just bored, so I thought I'd let fly out some minor/major information in your general direction for you to bore with me :P A pelican...
Re: 2K 7th ed, heavy magic This is the kind of army I would probably go for when I get my new models in a few weeks or so. Good luck and give us...
Lol! A friend of mine always gets nervous when my steggi comes near his units.. an I've never fielded more than one.. Mohahaha!!
Yeah, and to me that was one of the best improvement the lizardmen got. The abillity to make "less obvious armies" and to completly take our...
I agree! Amazing report. You just made a new standard here ;)
First of you got 5 character choises, So if this isn't a 3k army(I hasn't seen the new book yet, so don't know any pts) you can't have it. In 2k...