It is a monstrous mount if unit strenght is 5+. Don't have my book around, but you'll only have to look at 'unit strenght' in the register
Yes you can.
As long as everybody is happy, there shouldn't be a problem, but for tournaments you would probably have to go with original size bases.
Hehe, even a tzeentch army including kairos should be weary your magic. Although, as you've already pointed out, this army has its flaws elswere...
Welcome home ;)
Nice game and good report! Never faced a clean(or unclean) nurgle army before, but from what I've heard, they can hold out a fight pretty good and...
Keep in mind that steggies has movement 6 and can pivot for free(do to beeing monster). You should be able to monouver quit well and pick your...
Feigned flight Fast cavalry are extremely good at escaping from combat and regrouping. A unit of fast cavalry that chooses to flee as a charge...
Re: 1k Lizzies vs. High Elves Nice report! Never played HE before, but thouse salamanders seems to do the trick. Lucky he didnt take out your...
Has posted a list of things to do/not do vs warriors of chaos. Think you should have a look at it. Basically, stay away from his warriors and take...
My first thought is your full com. cavalry. I would probably go for 5 regular cold ones and save 50 pts. That could give you your diadem and a few...
Cool ide, but isn't the steggi huge? what base do you use?
Personaly, I didn't use much cavalry in 6th ed. but with improved armor and lowered cost, there might just work good enoght for my use. Fielding 2...
Nice work :) To have your front rank take an agressive position would work great. Makes me think of the romans ;)