Look interesting for sure, may make a cool GW for lizardmen
Was thinking that we should have our own Lizardmen RPG going on here. My idea was once a day I will post events that have happened for that day,...
Looking great, I would like to say what may halp the look a little is if you glue some sand on the stone bits of the pool. maybe not inside, just...
definatly interesting, those demonettes are freaky
Great Conversions, thanks for the close ups
Good luck, rember those brets move fast so they are going to be on you very quickly, I'd suggest puttomg your skink in the eotg so he can get lose...
I played against my brother's bretts twice a few weeks back and won both times. I had: 1 unit of skink skirmishers 1 unit of 20 Saurus with...
Great army, could we get some close ups on the Kroxigors, Please?
Don't know, never owned any. I prefer reaper models for my lizards. Which means no tournamants for me :(
Sounds like a good color scheme to me
Ya you have the use of them right, just fly towards them and charge asap. You get as many attacks are listed in the Lizardmen book, no more no...
Welcome, ya people that say stuff about games lack imagination and the courage to try new things and have fun. And Nascar is terrible where I...
Ya I would suggest saurus and krox, ya may wanna loose a skink priest or keep both and loose all the gear on them. Anyways these are just...
Yellow and green go well together, I would suggest making the cold ones green. Also just curious are you going to be darkening the saurus and...
Ah I see, well use what ya have I suppose. If your looking for cheap ones, look up the Lizardmen tyrants at Reaper miniatures. A lot cheaper, if...
Re: Legion of Abraxas - IMG Heavy (update w/Carnosaur +more) Love that last conversion, awesome model.
Good job, only thing I could have sugested to make you army a tad more effective would be remove the Skrox unit and just throw in 3-4 kroxigors....
I not sure of the color scheme Honestly, the yellow gives the blue a strange contrast. That being said though, somehow it works well on the test...
Right on glad to be a part of it :)
Thosxe look pretty whicked. Though with the standard. I would suggest making thier heads pointing down, putting the legs closer together and...