I use these guys http://www.reapermini.com/OnlineStore/lizard/latest/06192 [attach] For my Terradons, I just say the weaker skink attack is...
Yes a mounted character can join any unit his movement goes down to the movement of unit hes in, and if he goes in a faster unit they slow to his...
hmm nice paint job
First in your list of heroes, don't make skink preiest skirmishers, single models count as skirmishers anyways. Cold ones are pretty effective...
Very nice report
Re: Xlanhuapec Lizardmen Army Log (Pic Heavy) Very nice looking army love the skink priest
ya that was my typo :oops:
If you wanna make her stand out, you could try maybe adding a cape. Also a good way to make models stand out is change their weapon, or make them...
Good job, nice post, very cool fluff.
Looking good to me so far, good luck with it, unfortunatly dogs of war are on the way out of this game. But have fun with your conversions and...
I think its a good start, the colors clash a little but they aren`t ``wrong``, What ever makes you happy is definatly the right colors. I see you...
Yes you will be able to play the few missions they have in there, and some battles, the armies are about equal points. However you will need to...
Only thing I am aware of that is immune to poison, without magic items are Ogre Butchers.
They look pretty good I do like the color scheme. Now what I would suggest is putting a layer or two of highlights on there, slowly build up so...
Re: Here's my Lizardmen army so far... Ya I know where the model came from just didn't know how big he was, I acctually know the guy that made...
Re: Here's my Lizardmen army so far... Nakai is Huge, I didn't know that he was that big of a model how much taller is he then a regular Krox?...
IMO bretonians are a very powerful army, they can wipe out armies in one charge. However they are very hit and miss, what it boils down to with...
cool thanks
Hey guys need some halp got some miniatures without bases, wondering what size bases they are supposed to be. Need to know what size base swarms...
The new guys looks great, cool posing. One thing I would like to say about the crouching skink though, it I think his front foot should be...