Haha funny stuff
Re: The Legion of Abraxas - IMG Heavy (upade with EoTG attempt) I think you did a great job, think the color choices are done well the standard...
I think you are putting you paint on much too thicj, try thinning your paint up, and build on your layers slowly.
Very blurry but looks promising
Great job, like the conversion and color scheme
Welcome do the forum, as for fighting the undead, I like to use unit with high CR bonuses, make them go poof.
Welcome to the forum I look forward to your model
Colors look like they work well together. You should look at how they do ice for the yheteez or marble like for Chakax for the weapons. Also once...
Not sure where you'll be able to find that many, you may need to make some from green stuff, or find a place that sells bits, or even by a box of...
Welcome, I'm sure your wisdom will be helpful
Good job on the conversioin very cool so far.
I think you should make the shields a different color though, or it will look a little flat, once you get it painted, that's my guess, but I'd...
I've won with very similar lists against those exact armies, you should be fine, skink skirmishers are fine for ranged defence, especially vs Ogres
Haha nice post. Welcome
Awesome find, good job.
If anyone wants the reader file of him just pm me your email address and I'll get it to you.
Good luck, slann isn't essential right off the bat, but if you are planning on playing 2000+ points then diffenitly pic one up.
The version of model doesn't matter at all. Some people still use 2nd edition models, as long as you like them its fine. To unbend the staff...
Looks like a pretty decent list, however I would strongly suggest losing the ranked skinks for skink skirmishers.