Today its slushy, got some snow but still only about 0 degrees C, so made some good slush.
With dwarves your strategy is to get on them fast, and getting into close combat with weaker units is a good way to do it. Also don't expect to...
I usually fielded 5 with a Scar Vet inside, as a my heavy cavalry. So 6 wide, they work very well that way in my experience.
I agree each edition has separate benefits and restrictions, so I always played with my friends that you play with old or new, your choice but...
Pretty Warm in the Nova Scotia, I was sitting about 10 degrees today
(Not too sure what this is about but it seems interesting. Look forward to reading this thread when I got some more time)
Welcome to the forum.
Ha ha down boys LOL. Anyways welcome to the forum and hopefully we can aid you in all your questions. :)
IMO I think list A would work the best, especially vs Vampire Counts, although you lack some vital dispelling, but if you can charge and crush his...
When I get money I'll be buying both
Hey guys here are some models by Rikard, here is the link where you can buy them: And here are the...
Welcome, hope you enjoy it here.
No Krox-gar has never had a shield, he uses the magic of his glove hand, to shoot energy. In the old book it was the same (I have both). The...
Suppe hate to tell you but that was the last edition book. The new one has a Blue Cover with a Saurus Warrior on it
Re: 300 point club Haha ya and he's in deep thought, planning...
Re: 300 point club slannFroggy: Love the avatar, I love horned lizards
Bloodbowl is football and warhammer smashed together, it acctually has a video game coming out, you can google it if you want looks pretty...
Today its....What! 15C and going up! I shouldn't have slept so much I'm missing a nice day...for Nova Scotia in spring LOL
This works a little different because the Steg is then concidered a mount, thus he then follows the rules on page 79 (the next page ^_^ ). Which...