Well, I for one am very excited to play this. How about you guys? :) [MEDIA] Although I am curious to know if the Jungle environment will be set...
Seeing how Creative Assembly has stated that this is the second entry in the Total War: Warhammer Trilogy It will probably be priced as a full...
True, the main reason why my Praetorian Guardsmen and my Iyanden Jetbike's are unpainted because I spent FAR to much time playing video games >.>...
What if Crowsfoot was to paint more and then sell the excess models to Lazy people? :) That would kill two Skaven with one stone!
Just saw Arch's latest video. Creative Assembly has updated their website and it featured a countdown to the official reveal of the next Total...
Funny, I've owned both Oblivion and Skyrim for years yet I've never touched them. I should probably change that. I actually run Gorkamorka games...
Well i did manage to grab said core rulebook for £5 in Hobbycraft, reduced from £50 so I'll still take my ownership of such a book as a win ;) But...
Hey there... Yeah, I haven't wrote an forum introduction in what seems like forever so bare with me :p I've been a 40k fan for almost ten years...