Ok cool, Thank's
The seed was toss up between it, and quicksilver. Though the seed would have been more usefull, I can't use regen if I use a ward save?
I see where your coming from about mirro shield. I re-read the magic section and saw the list of magic missles was short. How about glittering...
Lords 25% Slann shadow focus of mystery focus of rumination 325 Slann death focus of rumination plaque of tepok seed of rebirth 300 Heros 25 % ...
Re: Making dule Slann work death/shadow at 2500 no comp rule Thank's for the info it will help me get on right track on building a soild list. I...
Hi, I have decied to get back in to the game pick up the army book and min rule book and start re learning the game. It has change a lot, last...