will he play a doomwheel at 500 points? should i play the Scar-vet alone or put him into the saurus?
Wow, thanks a lot for this detailed answer. I'm really thankful because I'm quite new to warhammer. So it will be: Scar-Vet Light Armour,...
hi there, after a long break i will soon play my first 8th edition games. i will face skaven and imperium i tried to put together a list and i've...
Wow, this community is great! Thank you all for your awnsers. Erians what do you mean by "he will most likley be with M4 saurus" ? what ist m4?...
Hey Guys I'm an absolute beginner in Warhammer and i'll soon play my first 1000P match against a friends High Elves. I tried to work out an army...
Thanks for your awnsers! We finally bought it and started to play. It's great!
hi, me and a friend of mine ar absolute warhammer newbies. will we be able to play with the battle for skull pass starter kit? I mean without...