Well, seems like you have alot of ideas and plenty of creativity... I don't really think anyone can give you much advice on this since your doing...
I agree with Strewart and Egern even though they contradict eachother. Let me explain.... A high elf army that goes min/max and tries to play off...
Yeah Strewart, I'd have to agree most of what you said is pretty solid. I'd only like to mention I suggested silver over gold, in which yellow...
Turn 6 Dwarf- No movement. Shooting only has cannons missing the salamander, and stone throwers scattering everywhere but somewhere useful....
Turn 5 Dwarfs- Nothing moves. Right to shooting. Cannons shoot at salamander and saurus, salamander takes 1 wound thanks to his crappy rolling....
Turn 4 Dwarfs- Middle-left unit doesn't move, but middle-right unit of warriors charge ranked skinks in the flank. Yeah thats right, I said...
Turn 3 Dwarfs- Middle-left warrior block moves to the edge of the forest containing most of my units, but stands just outside. waiting....
Turn 2 Dwarfs- He moves middle-left units of warriors forward 6 inches, and then proceeds to end his movement phase, and go straight to shooting....
Turn 1 (Dwarfs win first turn) Dwarfs win first turn, but lucky for me, and this report, his turns consisted of...not moving....and...
Deployment: Dwarfs - left to right, my view; He placed a unit of 25 warriors touching the left table edge right next to the hill. He his organ...
Terrain: Terrain placement was a joke, every time it was his turn he put down a hill, every time it was my turn I put down a forest across from...
Dwarf List Thane - I don't remember the gear, but he had a high armor save and a badass great weapon. 25 dwarf warriors - full command 25 dwarf...
So I've finally gotten enough practice in 7th edition owning my bretonnian and my VC friend, that I decided it was time to play some strangers. I...
Its very...Blue... Lol, I actually really like it (blue works for me), and I think you did a great job on the paint job, the highlighting and...
I second this... (didn't have time to write a full reply, but "what he said" works in this case)
I have the same issue, caused me to break up long posts into 2 parts, mostly for battle reports. Sometimes I post a reply that isn't even long,...
I played beastmen in 6th, and touched them with some paper-hammer in 7th. At the time I was trying to play a "weaker" army to challenge myself....
I don't know if this thread is gonna hit it off or not, but I'd be interested to see strewart's lists. A 1k, 1500, 2k triple threat, would be...
Wardrums with cold ones...never thought about that, sounds interesting... My wardrums always end up on my EoTG... :D
One of my main opponents is a bretonnian player, we've played dozens of games in 6th edition, and one in 7th edition, with more to come. In 6th I...