The board was very boring terrain wise, I let him completely set it up before we started, he usually is pretty fair with it. Knowing I have...
Vampire counts List (roughly); Manfred the Acolyte: Lvl 2, Skull Staff, other special character magic items. Vampire: Lvl 2, Summon Ghouls,...
Well, I played 2 games this weekend, both with the same lists, at the same point cost. The first game was a draw, and wasn't worth a battle...
I use folkart from wal-mart, its only like $1.00 per small tube, and one tube of maroon and one tube of burgandy would do it...Sooo... Get...
Thats the funniest sh!t I've heard in a while! Lmao... :D
I really really don't like purple, but thats jsut a personal thing. Your model looks ok, my advice would be the greatest trick I ever learned with...
Welcome to the forums, good choice on lizardmen. I think you'll find them quite awesome... :D
With brown saurus... I'd paint them a dark red with darker red scales... :D
I'm still pretty new to the 7th edition lizardmen, and so I've only run one battle with a double EoTG. I learned later thats a bit cheesy with a...
I guess the wording goes either way when you think about it. I play with alot of people who try to play by the letter of the rules, and that "or"...
It lets the unit re-roll all 1's to hit OR to wound... Not both, Sorry...
I feel like your list is coming together nicely, but a few more things really "need" to be done to make this list optimal. And they've actually...
I'm the biggest supporter of the theory "The game is won in the Movement phase" Though I don't believe its the entire game, it is about 50% of the...
Lustria2009 hit the nail on the head, I don't even really need to say anything else accept mention that he is correct. the 2d6+1 impact hits are...
I'd probably blow a bunch of savings and try to get at least 2500pts of every race I like before they were all gone, and then I'd just play 7th...
For what you have, and what little you need to change, the points couldn't go anywhere else. It seems pretty good, I personally would feel naked...
Well, those are the things you need to do to make your list better, of course that's only one opinion, some people might say otherwise, but the...
:D Welcome, I hope you get all your questions answered here, and learn how to play. Good Luck.
A few things I noticed right away, Make sure your priest on EoTG is level 2, this effectively makes him a level 3 for generating PD and Dispel...
I don't know anything yet about the new skaven rumors, but I hope GW doesn't cheese them up too much. About lizardmen cheese, I'd have to say...