Slann <- This is your basic Slann setup, looks fine. focus of mastery focused rumination battle standard cupped hands of the old ones skink...
I just briefly looked in the rulebook, and it says as long as no enemy models are in base to base contact with the slann he may cast magic missles...
It has to do with line of sight, if you fly over a unit you can't spin all the way back around and charge the rear/flank opposite where you came...
Oh you don't need to apologize, I should have checked the FAQ before hastily posting anyway. Makes me seem like less of a noob. But yeah, the...
I agree that the wording certainly does imply it might suceed anyway. But like I said, i would play it that it still fails...
The wording makes it really seem to be only for casting spells, though I guess it doesn't say specifically. I'd definately only play it as for...
Those are specific rules to how dwarf rune weapons work, which don't apply to this conversation, or lizardmen magic weapons. It is says "Lance."...
Oh ok, that makes sense. Thanks for clarification... Though I personally don't like nearly any of the lizardmen's special chars, It seems like a...
Yeah you pretty much got it Lupercal. You can't fly over something, turn around and charge the other side/rear, in the same turn (without magic)....
First off, this is just a friendly forum where YOU go to discuss rules, read tactics, army lists, etc. You really shouldn't be so rude, no one...
Yeahhh, i now know that only 1 EoTG is a little more friendly. Thanks for the advice on TG block size, your right that 16 would be better,...
If your thinking of d6 hits from the burning alignment I don't think that will work. the FAQ stated that it wasn't the priest casting the "spells"...
About shooting the handlers of the hydra, I know our special char lets him pick out chars with an additional -1 to hit, but they have a rule as...
If your talking about dropping rocks on the same turn you charge, so long as you passed over a unit (not the one your charging) the FAQ says you...
Oh right, I didn't think to go check the FAQ... Besides its better to play it without trying to squeeze as much cheese as possible from the...
I know this topic is kinda old, but I'd love to hear everyone's conclusions! The wording certainly does make it sound like the spell still goes...
Lmao! Ohhhhh GW logic, will you ever stop amazing your beloved fans, Lol.
I personally like my salamanders in two units of single salamanders for panic tests. I had alot of doubts about razordons, but I'm considering...
Turn 3 Middle EoTG charges into ghouls who moved forward. far left EoTG uses wardrums and marches around the charge arc of the far left ghouls....
Turn 2 My skinks on the far right move to the flank of the far right grave guard, and start marchblocking. Those GG are going to take forever to...