Turn 1 (lizardmen win turn 1) Even though I won turn one, it turns out to be really short, the whole game was pretty boring until combat started....
Deployment: Lizardmen- I've got a hill on the far left, and a forest on the far right, the middle is open. I put EoTG with wardrums just on hill...
My VC friends list: * Vampire Lord: Level 3, lance for auto-hits, bloodline for xtra attacks for each wound caused, mounted on steed. * Vampire:...
Ok, so this was my first game I ever played with lizardmen in 7th edition. I do not remember my opponents list perfectly, but I hope you get the...
I actually did note that you need to screen the kroxigors with skinks, because your correct in that any smart player would shoot at them. But like...
I actually noticed another combo too, which depending on who your fighting may work better then the lore of metal. The Lore of Death, you can use...
You wanna know true evil against a TK player? Take bane head on your slann and lore of metal, snipe his heiro-whatever (no idea of the spelling...
See the toll booth tactic makes sense. At least to me it seems a whole lot more effective then using terradons. 30 pts a model and all I see me...
Re: 3K Light Cheese list (for taking on DE *shudder*) Yeah, I've actually been learning alot about lizardmen armies while I've been reading all...
Thanks, I wasn't sure if it was detailed enough, or too long, Idk the people of this forum that well yet. I hope it gave the readers some...
That doesn't really explain why you should take units of one at all... IMO only a salamander can run alone (extra crew obviously) because running...
I dare to disagree with running the skink+krox units. I find them completely useless, and the oposite (skink cohorts alone, with kroxigors alone)...
I don't know, I seem to handle all my marchblocking and harass with plain skirmishers. Reading all these posts I might consider trying out the...
Welcome to the site, hope you learn to love the lizardmen as much as everyone else here does. They really are a high-end army, I think you'll...
Welcome to the site, look forward to seeing your posts about. Good choice picking lizardmen, it'll pay off. Good Luck in those tournaments, and...
Welcome to the site, glad to have another player posting army lists and such. Well, have fun with the lizardmen, I consider them one of the...
For the most part I'd say everything everyone said is pretty good. I'd only add my 2 cents on 3 things. One is the two stegadons and carnosaur...
Thanks for the welcoming. I hope I can learn alot and help make the site better. I just threw up a battle report, and I plan on posting as often...
Ok, so this was my second game as lizardmen in 7th edition. I guess I'll get right into it. I had: * (General) Scar-Vet: BBoC + Glyph Necklace,...
Re: 3K Light Cheese list (for taking on DE *shudder*) Well your Slann setup isn't bad, but I'd drop the terror, both stegadons already cause it,...