New info dump in the 3rd post in this thread.
I don't have enough green stuff for that. I think this stuff will be even awesomer when I finally figure out what is going on.
Yes plenty more examples exist on L-O and elsewhere - I will update the original post eventually. I think I could add a heading about lizard body...
Imagine unassembled prize possessions in a cardboard box on the floor in the guest bathroom. Neighbour and cat from identical apartment next door...
That is weird. I actually forgot about that one while I was trawling through old story comps and the Lustriapedia.
The Great Plan doesn't specify we need to talk to the weaklings. What are the alternatives? Warmbloods can be made to comply with the Great Plan...
As threatened, I am going to collate options and examples of means of communication between Lizardmen and Lesser Races. The intent is for this to...
The Spawning of Bob writer's block service is available via PM. Among the many satisfied customers is @Otzi'mandias who went from writing very...
Sorry about that. I wrote that whole I was still deluded that Discomute was the author, and "antoks" are one of his creations. I was trying to...
Yeah, you were very gentle. You had the most cup points in the top three, but the Lady killed you overall. Congratulations @Lady Tor'ti Llaz.
Kerching! A new death trope checked off. Without being humble, you picked a very good writing competition to be co-winner of, and Watching Things...
Daughter of Bob put this as my iPad wallpaper for no reason. [img] Reminded me of the feathered scum. Never let go of your rage.
Wow, just wow. I've got a bad feeling I will need to re read the 8th edition army book again, and maybe finish assembling my Chakax because of you.
I revisited this after all of the commentary on the short story comp thread, and I would swear you altered a number of things which made it all...
< resounding eggshell palm >
Under the circumstances I thought honesty was the best policy.
I didn't vote for you.
If you trespass on mah property and threaten mah chickens, I'll handle you too, boy. And sometimes for fun. There was a 3 metre one (biggest...
What do you mean by "again"?
My answer depends on if you are getting the nice list out and if you really know if I'm being bad or good in real time.