The old skink's time had come. The pillow was nearby. Sotek would understand...
It aint worth worrying about. Whoops, sorry. Ain't.
That triangular shield is begging to be converted into a corn-chip. The Old Ones approve.
It's a Stigmarine, Tom.
.:stig: {[...]7 .[].[] Are you happy now, Otzi?
Bowser, I like your interpretation. First impression is of the challenging use of perspective, and the second is the lack of struggle. Then I...
What an extraordinary fellow o_O
Biqi steps up. I thought you had enough powerful characters already, but jamming Biqi in Aki's face really raises the tension. Just one thing....
Only the True Stig would deny his Stig-hood!
Nathan is the Stig??????? Just wanting to reassure all the kiddies now: Bralterakus, Aletea and the other one are going to be ok and everyone...
What would the other thirty flavours be?
Shall we check the back of Xholanka's neck for his Diocese?
If anyone makes an incisive criticism about me, I might not want to clip it out and put it in my public scrapbook. That doesn't make it less...
It was an unfunny joke.
"Us"? I thought there was a mysterious ghostwriter beyond this sorry tale. Someone should call the police.
I was about to cry foul for you guys losing track and going off topic on this thread. Then I remembered which thread it was. Ha ha ha ha. You...
I would think a brief comment from each author on this thread would be good - it would be adjacent to the critiques you are trying so hard to...
No, no. This is Game of Scales. You are thinking of Game of Scalenex.
Speaking of which. This forum is badly in need of an index for off topic threads - they are very hard to keep track of. Scalenex, can you think...
And I am grateful for your vote-thing.