I didn't say he wasn't Stig aware and that we should Sacrifice him to Old One Jere'my, I just posited the idea that pockets of the universe could...
I'll just be lurk-waiting until then. Or will I?
Clue - the story that seems to be most affected by psychotropic substances is probably written by Otzi.
Am enjoying your thought-things, scale-thing. Did my story-scratching get assassin-critiqued already? Hee hee, my secret-things have secret-things.
Actually @Nahualpiltzintli gets the super villain cat for Whispers in the Wind in the 2015 Oct-Nov Story Comp. Doing a Blofeld Slann for him has...
@Killer Angel, shame on you. It took you until NIGHTBRINGER's 4352nd post for you to figure that out?
n810 may be Stig-naive.
I have searched the internet. The Stig has never been portrayed as a Stormcast. Therefore the internet is useless.
Hey Otzi, do you remember when you PMd me in March: And I probably replied, "don't sweat it, just keep writing forwards and your ideas will...
This is known as "As Good As It Gets" You might as well turn off the internet now.
MAscara is a viable option too, if the last art comp host can be believed. I'm sure we have rules about it somewhere, but just ignore those....
and just to show @Bowser isn't the only one illustrating stories [SPOILER]
This world of yours is messed up. Keep going.
That's ok. I might still be able to scrape into 6th.
No problems. Entries via PM to me or email as per the first post on this thread. She will just need art and name. Hopefully a cool name like...
Ssh. It's a secret. Another part of my come-at-least-fourth-at-all-costs plan. 25 ish days to go, entrants. If you are working on your entry,...
Go here if you want a drawn competition.
Somehow that rat knows we are talking about him even when we don't use his name.
Spellus Messed-upus Dyslexicus Pendrakus