An Even more cryptic reply. I shall contemplate out for many weeks before I take any other action.
Stunningly correct or stunningly cryptic?
That's funny. @Deusvult just came to lick the mushrooms, and he never left. [IMG]
Carnosaur wants a hippopotamus for Christmas
Useful critiques are getting harder for me to give (and I'm not qualified either) because the quality of the entries keep getting better. Gone...
Hey, I didn't comment about chameleons yet! You attributed me with making an insightful critical component, but surely reference to recorded fact...
Your stegadon seems to be Colossus from the X-Men. Good to know you use reference images sometimes.
There is no problem with the changing of points of view - you just choose which character's point of view by who is best qualified to see / feel...
No hat for Carno?
I think I like this Bob Ross you refer to. I would say Pendrake's drawing approach is almost opposite to mine - nail stuff down on the surface...
In this image, Bowser has taken on the role of the doomed chicken. "Oh, skyte."
For no particular reason, do any of you lizards know some elf / dark elf recipes?
If the exploding tacos have lots of chillies, it won't just be the hat burning.
It is Warden's hat. (seen from another angle) I'm wearing it in lieu of giving prizes in the last art comp. If you try harder, I could wear a...
Usually the appropriate measurement to use here is 6 and one half EGGSHELLS tall. But currently we are measuring things in "hats"
At this point in the Game of Scales process, I think we can agree that everyone is confused.
If you have a cowboy hat - you are awesome. Just ask @Warden. @Rosstafa would probably also agree on technical grounds.
Master, I have obeyed your commands and delivered the greenskins, the lizards and the traitor to the place you appointed. The only thing that I...
And @RoseThorn , I'm only following your inferiority complex. You better write yo'self some character lists, boy, if you want to belly up to...
Mature audiences only.