Imagine a cowboy hat on him next time you glance over. You will see what I mean.
You are never truly alone, Pendrake, not when the Stalker-azzi is looking for inspiration.
Didn't know the UK had a Monopoly on Euston Road.
Ooh gosh, could it be a @JamJar cameo? Lock up your scones!
I must apologise, Red. I have so many other irons in the fire that I haven't given this the attention it deserves. I hope that when i do engage...
The actions of a Lord of the dark side. But who is the apprentice and who the master? I love Totally Anonymous, and still do. Strangely it was...
Hmm. The explode thing.
Hooray! This time Scalenex told me to write less! Finding the sweet spot next time is inevitable! Thanks for all the critiquery so far, folks. I...
Wait - The Sauric Ace is still alive? I'm going to need to give that ghost writer a clip over the eggshell!
I'm still confused, but now I am hungry, too. If the crossover doesn't go back into the next chapter again, you will need to post it in its own...
The more you deny an association with the evil pigeons, the less I believe you. But if Bluefire can find it in her heart to forgive, then so must...
I am so confused.
Could be the fumes. But I want @Lady Tor'ti Llaz to confirm or deny her involvement with the pigeon. Don't make me shine a bright light in your...
You don't have a very "Thank you :D" face on your avatar. It's more sort of, "Thank you, now get off my lawn :mad:"
What is not interesting about a sympathy pigeon? I'm glad your Painting Blog is off the ground, and look forward to many more contributions to...
SoB?. That's what I did when you mentioned so much bacon. Anyhow, I haven't been writing a lot myself recently, an anonymous ghost writer has...
Boaty McBoatface? Genius.
Preparing for my biggest poke ever... @Kcibrihp-Esurc @Bowser @Warden @Slanputin @Tlac'Natai the Observer @thedarkfourth @Scalenex @n810...