Yeah but they get additional dices from their Runelord, they have items/runes that steal one PD and add it to their DD etc etc. They are annoying...
Well the length of the template is 8" and the average throw you make on the arty dice is 4"-6" I tend to fire when i am about 14-15" away. Usually...
Ah yes too many points on Rare choices, it cant be up to 25%. So basically scratch a Sallie, add 10 Skink skirmishers or 6 Chameleons and 2 Skinks...
So here goes: Hero: Skink Chief with Light armour Shield Javelins Dagger of Sotek Core: 2 x 10 Skink Skirmishers 19 x Skink Cohorts +...
What Vapor said is correct. Also be prepared to eat nasty miscasts from the ring of hotek. Its an item which will let you miscast on any double...
Use the cupped hands if you use a different lore than lore of life. Chuck a whole bunch of dice at a spell you really want going off for an IF....
I was also thinking if I were to roll a 5 on the first roll (the roll for the Skink with the cloak and plaque), that I would change that 5 for the...
The Saurus was basecoated black. Then I painted a mix of red gore and blazing orange with alot of water on the model. I then picked out the scales...
Update on the Carno: First bit of painting done. Painting is proving to be a slow process, also because I'm sick right now and had alot of work on...
Razor is 45 ;)
Salamanders are good to burn through their army so be sure to bring those. Also consider Lore of Metal on the Slann. WoC tends to have a high...
So, Ive come up with a list to counter a warmachine heavy list: Lord: Slann Mage-priest: Focus of Mystery: Lore of Shadow The Focused...
I was thinking to use a skink priest (lvl 2) with a power scroll. Only 1/3 chance you get the comet, but casting that boosted comet using the...
Agreed, The battalion box has alot of models you will use. But the Cold One Riders have lost alot of their potential though. You will probably...
for the rulebook, you can wait a month or 2 or so untill the Isle of Blood comes out (HE vs Skaven). That box will contain a smaller version of...
*edited* removed my comment ;)
I prefer the Slann because of the versatility. It can be used in a list as a purely offensive mage, a mage that focuses more on buffs than damage....
There was a topic on him in the Painting and Conversion tab of the forum. Link:...
The best thing to take them out is probably a characteristic test, like an initiative test. Downside is that you need to get a spell like that off...
To be honest I would add a Skink Priest in there somewhere. Might aswell use the power dice you get each turn to pick off some wounds, or get some...