When i saw the first pics of the saurus i thought 'those scales need something' and i must say the yellowish spots worked brilliantly! Well done!
Well i got myself a list (roughly) composed out of: 2x 23 Saurus warriors with a scarvet each (one of them with the Sun standard) 2 units of 6...
Well in the list ive made i have included the Cube of Darkness thingie. I'm hoping to shut down one of his magic phases that way. Ive also been...
Sooo, im playing a High Elves 2500 game wednesday. I know I'm going to face Teclis, together with three units of 25 Lorthen Seaguard and 4 bolt...
They both have their plus and neg sides. The Skrox groups are fast, fearcausing and nice to get charges off quickly. They do get picked off easily...
There is a link to a very good (but short) tutorial on how to do NMM earlier in this topic. It takes alot of time though, and im still not that...
Re: WIP: Scar-Veteran (NMM howto?) Updated with new pics Soo, I finished the model for the competition, I hope you guys like it. Any feedback is...
Lookin good! I love the bases!
Ive got a question about that: Teclis has the ability to roll IF with other doubles than just sixes. Do the other doubles (IF then) also induce a...
Yeah, i was thinking of replacing a skirmisher unit with chameleons, now they have those nice improved Scout rule. The reason that i went with the...
Wops, sorry about the points listing ill get rid of it.
Soo, my list comprises of: Lord: Slann Mage-Priest: Focus of Mystery The Focused Rumination Higher State of Consciousness BSB -> Book of...
Re: WIP: Scar-Veteran (NMM howto?) updated with pics Thank you all for the comments and tips! ^^ I finally had the time to work on the model, and...
So these are some pics of my wip scar-vet for a painting competition (local). I was wondering if any of you guys could give me some tips on the...
Looks good, nice colors. I must say that the paint is a bit thick sometimes :p if you water em down youll see that its easier to paint. Some...
I used a stone pillar made mostly from green stuff to surround the normal plastic rod that keeps the Slann up. I also put some GS vines around it....
Sooo I've got a 2000 battle against Orcs&Goblins coming up. I know he is going to use his Wyvern, and he loves fanatics. Any tips you guys can...
I agree with the above post. Would love to see some close-ups on the EoTG's and the steggies :P
Looking good for the first models! Personally I would add a wash to the scales (I use black ink, badab black, or watered down Chaos Black) and...
So I'm going against a (what I believe) pretty cheesy list of dark elves; 1 lord on a dragon with the +1 armor save and inversed ward save 2...