I mostly use a spear on characters on cold ones. Great weapons are the same as spears except they don't give +1 AS for a shield and they still...
I don't know how the official way to 'share' lists is, but the way we do it in my group of friends is to give full information on everything...
Terradons, along with all other Flying Units (not flying monsters, flying mounts or flying cavalry though) are skirmishers.
Rule of Burning Iron and a bane head. Or a JSoD with a Piranha blade and/or bane head.
What mister Trigonometry guy said. The only thing I can add is make sure you get the full 6 salamanders. They rip T3 and low armour save apart,...
Keep in mind that the cost/wound ratio for jungle swarms is the same as that of Saurus warriors. However, the Saurus have twice as many attacks...
Don't you mean 90 degrees?
Option 1 - Don't try and kill it, just win the game through objectives/killing the rest of his army Option 2 - Bait it with something then slam...
I would suggest you add a full Salamander pack if it is not to much trouble to scrounge them up. They are just to overpowered not to take...
When a model (not mounted) uses both a regular hand weapon and a shield he gets a 'parry' bonus, giving him an additional +1 (on top of the normal...
I think they will reduce the base attacks of Saurus to 1, but then effectively increase it back to 2 with the Predatory Fighting rule.
Currently spears are indeed quite inefficient points wise so I would advise against getting them. I love the idea of having every weapon option...
The only way I could do that would be to drop a Saurus unit (which would make my army faster on average). I am however afraid that my army would...
Any criticisms, queries or insights into my staple list? JSoD Oldblood - BSo Sotek, Tepok and Old Ones, GW, Shield, LA, Jaguar charm, Aura of...
In a Sacred Host army list (as this one is, though it is not clearly labelled to be so) skinks can get spawnings. The rules for Sacred Hosts can...
Fear means that the Slann's unit cannot autobreak. So we can get Stubborn LD9 Temple Guard with the BSB Slann in it that will almost never flee.
Turn Glyph necklace into Aura of Quetzl and swap BSo Quetzl to BSo the Old Ones. Also, do you think the speed of the Jaguar pendant is actually...
Yeh that looks pretty solid. I'm interested to see how the Cruse Charm of Tepok works out.
Maiming shield is alright though probably not as cost effective as a normal shield. I would strongly suggest you do not take the blade of...
I don't think it is worth it to specifically plan to use Steed of Shadows in this manner with a 2nd Gen Slann (who can typically cast ALL his...