I think that's true, yes. I don't own a rulebook myself, the cheap bastard I am. :smug: So I can't check it up.
yes that'd be easy... just if that herald wasn't a wizard ofc, and nurgle magic is MEAN! I'd rather bite him than let him make my lizzie boys get...
plaguebearers... *shivers* they're horribly powerful and should all die a VERY stabbity death! Anyway I don't use magic too much so I have a...
:jawdrop: Please tell me that I understood that? Math hammer... hard... *shoots himself*
Didn't strike me... but I haven't seen ANYTHING about the southlands either. :shifty: Wierd, I liked the style of that place... Only young...
I haven't actually bothered to care looking through the whole book yet. :smug: I got the rules and the interesting fluff... by that I mean "City...
14.8*C here in sweden(in my area) Last week it rained as if there was no tomorrow... so it is still cold outside(lol, cold) Week before that it...
I used to have WoW, now the account is frozen. I thought WAR was just... cooler. :P Anyway I had several chars on different servs, let's see if...
Cold ones wouldn't work at all for me, no matter what. But making them like Archaeopteryxs. They're bird dinos after all. :D...
well... that's a good round-up, I might even concider musicians in the bigger skink units(very rare) so that they don't flee off the table. :)
Effort is overrated Hellbreaker
I'm betta than you because I've just got 3 carnifexes to fit in a 20cmx40cm foam... I feel awesome.
I'm betta than you because I show how much I think Elfen lied pwns in my sig and avvie. :smug:
Simple, charge the flank of units with mages in. ^^ Otherwise... You won't if it's not Bs1 ofc...
copyright rape. :rolleyes: Well wardancers are bitches, that's why I didn't play them with my wood elves. Wild riders are just... less bitchie.
*imagines khorne on the battlefield...* No, that's just wrong.
I'm betta than you because I have no idea of what a WiFi tank is.
Found everything about them on Lexicanum.com just press 40k and search.
long ranges for me are 30"... Now that I play lizardmen it's a different story, but still they are not good at long distance shooting since they...
I'm betta than you because I drink milk everyday. :meh: