hmm, so your a scar-vet yourself?(hehe) Nice. I've not played lizard for so long so I haven't seen any sleek gunlines. Just this and the last...
A 100% slave army is not possible, you must have an equal amount of clan rats.
the bow+chief was discussed in another thread, don't remember how it worked out thou. But the principle is/was that when the giant bow...
ah, nice the standard of awesomeness is back. :D yey, looking forward to may cause then I'm gonna get both Lizardmen AND some witch...
they are lord choices so yes they are characters, just like champions, but I don't think bane head works on champions... :rolleyes:
slanns wasn't created by the old ones. They were favoured slaves on the old ones ships. They already possessed a huge amount of power and ability...
A friend of mine plays daemons, I could check that book when I meet him. ;) Otherwise I've only got a little experience of fighting the daemons....
I played that, I found it boring very fast. you couldn't do anything! :jawdrop:
I see, well play-testing stuff is always worth it and GW should know that they can't just trust on there paid employees to test it in every...
but not including costs will make it harder to play the beta rules with any new units that doesn't exist already.
does salamanders have flaming attacks? Might have missed something but I'm not sure.
actually leeking rules makes a book even more attractive, since people want rumours confirmed and such.
thing is that it's not a bolt thrower, if it was then it would've been mentioned that it is a bolt thrower not just that it penetrates ranks like...
I actually thought double str removed regen. hmm the lack of rule books strikes again! but some things increases your ward, it actually does....
remember that wards can be improved but it must clearly state +<number> and not <number>+ Regeneration can be removed by double str...
ye, we were Vikings, but it's only Norwegians and Danish that did discover stuff, all we did was scaring people. >.<
Well, I'm from Sweden. that long country were IKEA is from you know?
ahh, nothings like chilling in the bed playing video games, right? [attach]
yet I've only devoured a greater demon of nurgle. :meh: gotta get some models before the real feast can begin thou.
the horned one is a magic item, and hence can be destroyed by "vaul's unmaking" doesn't sound good to me.